
Bloomberg Pavillion

Hirata Akihisa / 平田晃久


"Architectural Concept
I wished to create a pavilion that resembled a single tree.

Trees have a symbolic shape.  Simultaneously they produce shade while providing an ideal space for mankind.  I wondered what would happen if the walls were to keep growing upwards and present an uneven surface like ‘pleats’.  Pleats resemble a tree in the way that they spread out and capture the sun and I felt that they would produce a bright, impressive exterior.  I also thought that the space beneath this surface would present a relaxed atmosphere, similar to that of tree shade that would be an ideal quality for an exhibition space.

The pleated surface was created using an extremely simple technique.  It consists entirely of combinations of isosceles triangles in what is called a hyplane structure, producing a continuous curved, pleated surface.  This basic structure can be repeated in a simple fashion to construct an organic whole.  It is similar to the way in which a tree branches repeatedly in a simple form that assists efficient photosynthesis.

What does nature or simplicity mean in architecture?  This small pavilion poses an important question for the future.
Akihisa Hirata



< vocabulary note >
_ resembled
_ simultaneously
_ mankind
_ upward
_ uneven
_ pleat
_ spread out
_ bright
_ beneath
_ extremely
_ entirely
_ isosceles triangles
_ hyplane
_ continuous
_ whole
_ assist
_ efficient
_ photosynthesis
_ simplicity
_ poses


MOT collection : May19-October8, 2012

< Contents of MOT Collection >

Special exhibit | Toshinobu Onosato - From the Fukuhara Collection
特別展示|オノサト・トシノブ - 福原コレクションを中心に

New acquisitions | Anish Kapoor, Yutaka Sone, Yoshitomo Nara, Nobuya Hitsuda, Mami Kosemura
新収蔵品展|アニッシュ・カプーア, 曽根裕, 奈良美智, 櫃田伸也, 小瀬村真美

The name of Art Works | During the 1960s-80s
1) Reproduced Motif / 再現されたモチーフ
2) Title is < non-title > / 題名は<無題>
3) Place, Texture, Date / 場所、素材、日付
4) As if it's Drama / まるでドラマのような

I record because there are favorite art works at Collection Gallery of Museum in Contemporary Art Tokyo and I felt fun unexpectedly. Of course, not only Yoshitomo Nara works were fantastic but also Nobuya Hitsuda works are attractive. I love them. Especially, a tense atmosphere which Toshinobu Onosato works have hue and lines at special exhibit excited me. It's interesting.

I love a moment that I feel artists's love in their own pictures.



And more, the exhibit focused the name of art works is good. I got to think relations of Art works, title and word from it. Existance of Art works changes by Angle to catch. Art is ever-changing. It's tricky.


< vocabulary note >
_ acquisition
_ reproduced
_ motif
_ hue
_ not only...but also...
_ atmosphere
_ contemporary
_ ever-changing
_ tricky



"The 'Future Beauty' exhibition focuses on Japanese fashion, its creativity and the cultural background of its powerful design.----This exhibition was originally held at the Barbican Art Gallery (London) in 2010, then the Haus der Kunst (Munich) in 2011, where it was extremely well received. In addition to the work shown overseas, the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo will also include a section entitled 'Virtuality and Reality', presenting the work of young fashion designers to provide a hint of the future direction of fashion."

"日本ファッションが持つ創造性と、その力強いデザインに潜む文化的背景に焦点を当てた「Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion」展。2010年にバービカン・アート・ギャラリー(ロンドン)、2011年にハウス・デア・クンスト(ミュンヘン)で開催され、高い評価を得た。新たな作品を加え、ヴァージョンアップした「Future Beauty 日本ファッションの未来性」展を2012年、東京で開催。"

[the structure of a exhibition / 展示構成]
In Praise of Shadows / 陰翳礼讃 
 Flatness / 平面性
Tradition and Innovation / 伝統と革新
Virtuality and Reality / 日常にひそむ物語

< pick up designers >

Yohji Yamamoto / 山本耀司

rei kawakubo / 川久保玲

Issey Miyake / 三宅一生

Jyunya watanabe / 渡辺淳弥

UNDERCOVER:高橋盾, UNREALAGE:森永邦彦, SHINICHIRO ARAKAWA:荒川眞一郎, mintdesigns:勝井北斗+八木奈央, OH! YA?:大矢寛郎, mina perhonen:皆川明, TARO HORIUCHI:堀内太郎, sacai:阿部千登勢, mame:黒河内麻衣子, SOMARTA:廣川玉枝, Akira Naka:中章, KENZO:高田賢三FINAL HOME:津村耕佑Ne-net:高島一精writtenafterwards:山縣良和aseedoncloud玉井健太郎, Aski Kataski:牧野勝弘hatra:長見佳祐, myna:理名ohta:太田雅貴zucca:小野塚秋良matohu:掘畑裕之+関口真希子, Koji Tatsuno:立野浩二

Well, I like fashion. 
It's fun when I know designers and the ages. 
Clothes are another own skin.

 I'd like to learn fashion.

I want a sewing machine, I thought today.




[special exhibition / 特別展示]
SOMARTA x smart fortwo

YANOBE, Kenji / ヤノベケンジ
「M the knight / M・ザ・ナイト」
「Rocking Mammoth / ロッキング・マンモス」 

I wanted to see more.




Author : Guy de Maupassant

I read "BOULE DE SUIF / LA MAISON TELLIER".  It's sensational title and a catchword, ' He portrayed society in microcosm well.' attract me. So I bought it. It is said that this is novelette. But it's a thin paperback book. It's easy to read it in a train.

Main of both contents is a prostitue. It's impressive description about human ugliness like former opinion. I  "BOULE DE SUIF" 's background is the Franco-Prussian War. Although I don't understand the period easily, I kept nodding my head about appearance of human relationship. I felt human feelings including contradiction.

From beginning to end, it's describing something objectively. So such feels isn't solemn and it's wonderful mood that I saw states of the characters dispassionately.  

I can't hate each character who I can't like meekly with irony. 
Because I cross my mind that I may do same action in a state of same condition.

It's said that "Une vie" is one of famous novels written by Maupassant. I'd like to read it.






< vocabulary note >
_ sensational 
_ portray
_ microcosm
_ novelette = second volume novel
_ paperback(ed) book
_ prostitue
_ ugliness
_ the Franco-Prussian War
_ nod one's head
_ contradiction
_ describing something objectively
_ solemn
_ dispassionately
_ meekly
_ cross one's mind

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